These agencies are often the best source of not only free USGS topographic maps for their state, but often also for tons of other valuable data like DOQQs, tax plats, etc. The University of Oregon site is one of the best listings. UC Berkeley Map Library. Free Russian topos! For all you non-USA cartographers looking for free topos, this site. Complete, simple, easy to use & free application for Land Surveying, Topography, Bathymetry & GIS. Suitable for Geodesy Engineering, Civil Engineering, Geology and other disciplines related to maps, coordinates, location, address and spatial analysis. Can be used as a tool in determining position, coordinates, location & address, area & distance measurement, simple spatial analysis such as. DPS has just published updated Myanmar States and Divisions Map for 2019-2020 after Survey Department checked and updated the 2018 version. Moreover DPS has Tourist Map of Myanmar (Free copy and free download), Myanmar Guide Map Wall Sheet Poster. If you have any more question, please contact Indian 1954 / UTM zone 46N EPSG:23946 with transformation: 1153 Area of use: Myanmar (Burma) - onshore west of 96°E.
Myanmar Utm Map Free Download For Windows 10
Indian 1954 / UTM zone 46N
EPSG:23946 with transformation: 1153
Area of use: Myanmar (Burma) - onshore west of 96°E. (accuracy: 21.0)
Transform coordinates | Get position on a mapIndian 1954
EPSG:4239 with transformation: 1153
Area of use: Myanmar (Burma) - onshore; Thailand - onshore. (accuracy: 21.0)
Transform coordinates | Get position on a mapIndian 1954 / UTM zone 47N
EPSG:23947 with transformation: 1153
Area of use: Myanmar (Burma) - onshore east of 96°E; Thailand - onshore west of 102°E. (accuracy: 21.0)
Transform coordinates | Get position on a mapKalianpur 1880
Area of use: Bangladesh - onshore; India - mainland onshore; Myanmar (Burma) - onshore; Pakistan - onshore.
Transform coordinates | Get position on a mapKalianpur 1880 / India zone IIb
Area of use: Bangladesh
Transform coordinates | Get position on a mapWGS 84 / UTM zone 46N
Area of use: Between 90°E and 96°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Bangladesh. Bhutan. China. Indonesia. Mongolia. Myanmar (Burma). Russian Federation.
Transform coordinates | Get position on a mapWGS 84 / UTM zone 47N
Area of use: Between 96°E and 102°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. China. Indonesia. Laos. Malaysia
Transform coordinates | Get position on a mapWGS 84
Area of use: World
Transform coordinates | Get position on a mapITRF2014
Area of use: World
Transform coordinates | Get position on a mapIGS08
Area of use: World
Transform coordinates | Get position on a map
Myanmar Utm Map Free Downloads
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